Got back down to the beach yesterday to meet up with Bill(my buddy) and Bill(Hurricane) and got some FUN surf! Once again it was a 5:00am wake up call that I will only do for the surf. Got down to O.C. NJ about 6:30.
We went and checked the north end of OC and ended up on a street i have never been on with this cool house painted pink to look like a light house(see pic) Crazy! Checked a few spots in OC to find mostly close outs. Wind was still calm so we headed to Strathmere.

If you don't know Strathmere it sits between OC and Sea Isle City. My dad use to take me fishing there when I was a kid he always called it Whale Beach.
Surf was much cleaner here. current was ripping on the inside and it took a bit to get out. Some times its just better to let the rip take you a bit then as soon as you see a break PADDLE YOUR ASS OFF! Took a little bit to find my groove but once we settled in it was on. Bill rode his longboard in some bigger stuff for the first time and looked as graceful as ever. He's a very relaxed and styli'n surfer. Surfed for long time and both got some great waves. Got out and started the walk to the car and got attacked buy all the Greenheads. Greenheads are those horse flys that bite. It was funny to see us both swatting away and running up the beach with our boards.

Checked a few spots on the way back to OC before we got something to eat. All looked about the same. SUPER CROWED and pretty fun. Got to Bills where he made me a nice sandwich that looked like Mom made it. It was awesome.
This is starting to get a little long winded so ill finish up. Surfed 8th st for about an hour only to find out its not a surfing beach. Guard was cool he was going crazy trying to watch all the tourist. Got some really fun fast lefts and and watched Bill kill it on his longboard. SUPER FUN DAY!!
Thanks Bill N Bill
Nice Summary...(we should get a go pro digital camera for water shots) Thanks again for wakin up and getting there so early. Can't wait for the next swell!