Monday, September 21, 2009

The Birthday Sessions

The Birthday Sessions are a thing my buddy Bill(I'm sure you know him from older posts) and I try to do every year. Our bdays fall a few days apart his today the 21st and mine the 24th so we make it a point have a birthday session. I think we be doing it since 2001. Any way its always a good time and yesterday was no exception. Surf was super fun in waist high range with maybe a chest high set once in awhile. So many waves where had. Bilbos fiance Kate was killing it her wave count was up there. Billbo what can i say STYLE FO MILES!!! I got my fair share and had a sweet little cover up on my last wave of the first session.

Bill n Kate make GREAT

I rode my Monkey board because it is its 10th birth day this year. SOOOO Fun!

Its a joint not a penis dammit!!

Kate had planned a suprize party at Mack n Mancos some of the finest board walk pizza out there. A bunch of family and friends came out. It was awesome and Bill was totally surprised. Props to Kate for putting it together.

Round 2- Our buddy Kenny drove up from Wildwood for the second session. Wind was still pretty calm but the tide was way low. Made for some low tide dredgers. Still had a great time just hang'n out goofing off. Oh time to go.
Thanks go out to Bill and Kate for my super cool bday gifts. sunglasses by Dr. Peeps, wax, and a new fin for my board.

Oh there was a air show going on to.Pretty crazy stuff!


1 comment:

  1. Dude! That is simply awesome!. I had a great day and I look forward to many more b-day sessions with you.
