It has been a long time between post so I'm going to recap a bit. Here we go. I'm going to start with the most recent and work backwards.
1) got my car back finally. It looks good, just a little shinier on the driver side. just good to have it back.
2) I got a short board for $40.00 off one of my buddy's. I'll give it a try soon.
3)Went to Pearl Jam for the last show at the Spectrum. A friend of the shop could not go so he GAVE me the tickets. I took George and it was F-ING AWESOME. They played for about 3 1/2 hours. Here is the set list from that night.
The Spectrum
hot chick in front of us
our seats
4) Went to NH with Bill here are some pics.
Me trying to to look cool
Chris looking for the barrel
Bill killing it!
mmmmmm lobster
Chris looking for the barrel
Bill killing it!
mmmmmm lobster
Went to New Hampshire with Bill a few weeks ago. Surf was really fun.